Fern is a "senior" rider (with grandkids in their 20s) who loves to ride. She earned her USDF Gold Medal on a talented Connemara and currently has a retired Connemara (age 30) along with another Connemara (age 16), who works very hard to teach her something every day (she rides almost daily).
Fern has been involved with Dressage4Kids from the very beginning, ever since Lendon chatted with her at a USDF Convention and said, "I have an idea..."
Fern continues to take an active part in Dressage4Kids as Vice President. She handles some of the bookkeeping, fundraising, and paperwork, and in addition takes an active roll in all of the D4K Programs. She is based in Connecticut, but tries to visit Florida during the winter every year to see so many of the people she has gotten to know through D4K.
When asked what motivates her most about Dressage4Kids, Fern writes, "I enjoy working with Lendon and Mary Livernois (Executive Director) and all the other volunteers and kids/parents/families involved with D4K. Dressage4Kids has done so much for the equestrian world, and I really am proud to be a part of it. I know we have had an impact on youth, but it's also true that other professionals and professional organizations recognize the contribution that D4K has made in the sport of dressage. That's pretty amazing."