For Ads Solicited by Competitors for the 2025 Lendon’s Youth Dressage Festival Program Book
In order to receive stabling credits, we must have the following information:
- Name of competitor who solicited the ad
- Name of company purchasing the ad
- Contact info for the company purchasing the ad
- Payment for the ad
- A copy of the order form should also be sent along with the payment regardless of whether the ad is a digital ad sent via email or camera-ready artwork for ads sent via postal service.
Please click on the following link to access the Order Form:
Submit all ads as color or black & white.
Submit ads either as digital files sent by email, or as camera-ready artwork mailed by U.S. or private postal service.
Digital File Requirements, for ads sent by email
Artwork, the Order Form and payment (if applicable) should be sent to Karen Sprenger at address listed below.
Digital Ads should be sent via email to
In the subject field of your email, include your name, the advertiser’s name and the size of the ad.
All files must be submitted as follows:
Files should be at least 300dpi and MUST be sized at 100%. PDF files provide the highest quality reproduction and are therefore preferred over other formats.
All fonts must be embedded.
Email the Order Form (see above link for Advertising Specifications and Order Form) to Karen Sprenger and mail payment [with a print out of the form] to Karen Sprenger at address listed below
Camera Ready Requirements, for ads sent by postal service
Artwork, the Order Form and payment (if applicable) should be mailed to Karen Sprenger at address listed below.
All art MUST be sized accurately to fit in the ad space.
Provide the following details:
Name of Competitor who solicited the Ad or Link:
Competitor's Email:
Name of Company purchasing the ad:
Name of Contact Person at Company purchasing the ad:
Phone of Contact Person at Company:
Email for Contact Person at Company:
Full Page Ad | 7 ¾ ” W x 9 7/8” H | $400 |
Half Page Ad | 7 ¾ ” W x 5” H | $250 |
Quarter Page Ad | 3 7/8” W x 5” H | $175 |
Business Card | 3 ½ ” W x 2” H | $100 |
Website Link | Six months | $225 |
Website Link | One year | $375 |
Make all checks payable to: Dressage4Kids, Inc. and mail to Karen Sprenger at 3 Ridgeview Road, Brewster, NY 10509.
Return this form, any Camera-Ready Artwork and Payment to:
Karen Sprenger
3 Ridgeview Road
Brewster, NY 10509
Phone 845.278.8006
Email ads to Karen at
DEADLINE TO RECEIVE ADS: June 25, 2025 – no exceptions