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Dressage4Kids™ Summer Intensive Training Program


Dressage4Kids™ Summer Intensive Training Program 2025

Dressage4Kids is excited to offer the Summer Intensive Training (SIT) Program to provide an overall educational program for riders under age 26.  SIT is not for the casual dressage rider, but for aspiring young riders who are committed to achieving excellence. This program will take determination, drive and passion.  The participants will have a full schedule of learning that includes fitness, theory, tests, riding lessons, and lectures on many pertinent subjects.  We encourage young riders of all levels and ages - some riders may be barely Training Level while others may be schooling Grand Prix.  

Location: Hampton Green Farm in Fruitport, Michigan 

Dates: July 2-29, 2025 with options to extend dates up to August 17, 2025

The program fee for July 2-29 is $3,000 and will cover a stall with normal bedding, lessons, lectures, and fitness. Participants will supply their own feed, hay, meals, and housing. They will be expected to bring their own lunches to the stable.  Additional fees for dates outside of July 2-29 will be pro-rated.

Lendon Gray will be the main instructor of the program. The goal of the Summer Intensive Training Program is to give opportunities for youth riders to participate in consistent and extensive training not only in riding, but in all areas of horse care, riding and training theory, and competition skills.

A normal day in the program will start at 6:30am with basic barn chores. Each rider must take care of his or her own horse as well as help with maintaining the facility where the program is held. After chores, lessons begin.  Days vary with private lessons, semi-privates or group lessons. Lendon is the primary instructor, but we hope to have guest instructors as well. While lessons are in progress, riders are encouraged to watch, ask questions, and take notes in a provided journal. In the afternoon, there will typically be a lecture, field trip, or study session. 

We will have in-house schooling shows where everyone can participate.

All participants must participate in the daily fitness program. 

There is time and a quiet location for those needing to do school work.

Any rider under 26 may apply to take advantage of the unique opportunities the SIT program has to offer. It does not matter how much experience you have, at what level you’re currently riding, or the horse you have. Your dedication, passion and discipline do matter.

Contact Lendon Gray at if you have questions.

If this program seems like a good next step in your journey, please feel encouraged to apply by sending in the application now.  

If Lendon knows you or you have sent in an application for WIT, send her an email stating that you want to participate in the Summer Intensive Training Program.

All others, please fill out the application form below.

First Name *
Last Name *
First Name *
Last Name *

Photo Usage Policy

Dressage4Kids often takes photographs and videos during its events and activities.  Dressage4Kids may use these photographs and videos for general publicity and programming purposes, including to raise funds.  Pictures may appear on the website, on the Dressage4Kids Facebook page, in newsletters, and in other print and digital marketing materials.  In addition, participants’ names may be used to recognize individual achievement in marketing materials.
