Competitor's Volunteer Requirement: All competitors MUST volunteer for at least 1 hour during the show. Once you have arrived and have your horse stabled, get your packet from the Show Secretary, check your ride times, and then go to the Volunteer Booth for your assignment(s). Competitors need to know their ride times and warm up requirements before coming to the volunteer booth to sign up for their volunteer hour. Parents may accompany the competitor but may not sign up for them.
Attire: Riders may wear traditional show attire. Informal attire (short or long-sleeved polo shirts; no tee-shirts) also is acceptable in the performance arena in place of traditional show attire. Teams may want to have matching shirts. All riders must wear proper attire when mounted. ASTM/SEI-approved helmets are required for ALL riders when mounted. Helmets will also be required for all Handler Class entries and those handling the demo horses for the Sport Horse Conformation Class. The wearing of an improper helmet, including an improperly fitted helmet (e.g. loose chin straps), is grounds for disqualification. Whips and blunt spurs are allowed. Judges may deduct up to two points for messy attire in the performance arena. Award recipients must be in neat competition attire (unmounted) to receive their Division awards.
Bridle Numbers: Horses must wear a bridle number at all times when out of the stall.
Tack and Bits: must follow USEF dressage rules with exception to Prix Caprilli classes. Bits used in competition must be the same bits used in the warm-up immediately preceding the competition. Draw reins are not permitted at any time on the show grounds. Horse boots and/or polos are allowed in warm-up areas. The Show Management reserves the right to inspect any rider and their equipment at any time for compliance with the show rules. Non-compliance will be grounds for disqualification.
Schooling: is permitted only when the Show Office is open. Please check the schedule for when the Show Office is open. Trainers may school competitor horses on Thursday and Friday only and must sign a Release at the Show Office prior to riding. Any violation to this rule may result in the disqualification of the competitor.
No coaching: is allowed any time while the rider is competing. Any rider receiving coaching while in the competition ring will be disqualified whether the rider requested such assistance or not. Any visual, verbal, or otherwise vocal communication with the rider is considered coaching.
Readers: are not permitted for the Schooling Show on Friday or the Dressage/Equitation division classes on Saturday. Readers are permitted in the Trail, Prix Caprilli, and Quadrille classes.
Ring stewards: are not there to assist the riders with their times or after whom they ride. The riders need to know in what ring they ride, their times, and the numbers of the riders ahead of them. Do not ask the stewards.
An adult must supervise all young children at all times.
Golf carts: or any motorized vehicle (i.e. scooters) brought to the show may be operated only by licensed drivers.
Parking: Five points may be taken off the final score of any rider whose vehicle is parked in illegal parking areas. Two-horse trailers will be allowed 15 minutes to unload; larger vehicles will be allowed one-half hour to unload. After these times, all vehicles will have to be moved to parking areas. Parking permitted on one side of the barn ONLY.
Dogs: must be leashed and kept quiet in stabling and riding areas.
Lunging: is allowed in the lunging ring only.
Infractions of any rules may be cause for elimination or up to a 5-point penalty at the discretion of management.