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Dressage Trail Classes

Optional Classes

Objective: To demonstrate obedience, handiness and response to rider’s aids. The horse must softly accept the bit and may show more “roundness” in the parts of the test separate from the obstacles. Posting is optional. Transitions into and out of the halt may done through the walk. Test may be called. To be shown in the standard (20 x 60-meter) arena. Note: There may be “surprise” additions to the test at the show – check with the gatekeeper. Collectives: Safety (Handling obstacles); Submission (Attention to aids, confidence, cooperation); Rider (Seat and position, correctness and effectiveness of aids) X2 ;140 points possible.


1. A Enter working trot.

X Halt and salute. Proceed working trot. (Ground poles are placed 10 meters before and after X.)

2. C Track right.

B to F Negotiate shallow serpentine of 4 cones.

3. A Working walk. Turn right on quarterline and negotiate U-shaped rails. Track right.

4. V Halt. Pick up object on top of a stack of hay bales. Walk to near E and deposit object on top of a second stack of hay bales.

5. E Working trot.

C Turn right down centerline, crossing ground rails.

A Track left.

6. A After turning, working walk.

F Negotiate 4-cone serpentine.

7. R Pick up ball from top of stack of hay bales. Working trot, one handed.

8. C 20-meter circle, one handed.

9. C At the end of the circle, drop ball in bucket at C. (Optional: you may halt at the bucket to drop the ball.) If you are no longer holding the ball, then just wave at the judge. Pick up both reins.

10. E 10-meter half circle to X. Halt between X and ground rail and salute.


1. A Enter working trot, crossing ground pole at L.

X Halt, salute; proceed working trot.

2. I Trot over cross rail.

C Track right.

3. B to F Negotiate shallow serpentine of 4 cones.

4. V Halt between bales and rail. Rein back 3 to 4 steps. Proceed working walk back to bales

5. V Halt. Pick up object on top of hay bales. Walk to near E and deposit object on top of a second stack of hay bales.

6 E Working trot.

C Canter, followed immediately by circle right 20 meters.

7. M to E Change rein. Working trot near centerline.

8. A Working walk. Release reins. Negotiate 4-cone serpentine on a loose rein.

9. R Pick up reins and then pick up ball from top of stack of hay bales. Working trot, one handed.

C 20-meter circle, one handed. At the end of the circle, drop ball in bucket at C. If you are no onger holding the ball, then just wave at the judge. Pick up both reins.

10. E 10-meter half circle to X. Halt between X and cross rail and salute.
