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D4K Judges Forum April 5 2025

D4K Unmounted Programs

D4K Judges Forum April 5 2025

For the Dressage4Kids Judges Forum April 5 2025, Dressage4Kids is offering an in-person event.

When: Saturday, April 5, 2025 from 7:30am - 3:45pm 

Where: Tufts Equine Center, Agnes Varis Campus Center and Auditorium, 5 Jumbo's Path, North Grafton, MA

Who: This Judges Forum is open to candidates enrolled in the USDF L Education Program; L Graduates; and licensed dressage judges.

To register: Scroll down the page to access the registration form

In order to obtain USDF L Grad Continuing Education credits, L graduates will need to submit a CE report form upon completion of the program.

Licensed Judges are encouraged to attend, however this D4K Judges Forum does not meet the USEF requirement for Licensed Judge education.


Please find the campus map here: Campus Map/Directions.

Enter 5 Jumbo's Path, North Grafton, Massachusetts in your GPS system and follow directions to Wildlife Dr.  Once you turn onto Wildlife Dr: for accessible parking, take the first left into the Agnes Varis Campus Center side lot. For additional parking, continue straight on Wildlife Dr through the Jumbo's Path and Cornfield Rd intersection.  Take a right into the parking area behind the McGrath Building. 

Do not park in the hospital parking lots off Willard Road. 


We are pleased to welcome USEF S Judge Margaret Freeman as the lead presenter for this course.

Dressage4Kids, Inc. reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers and/or schedule as necessary.

Registration Fees

Registration Fees through March 28 (includes access to lectures, presentations, and lunch): $75 per person

There will be no refunds for cancellations made after March 21, 2025.  Refunds will not be provided for registrants who do not attend the conference.  In order to receive a full refund, notice of cancellation must be made via e-mail to Mary Livernois at by March 20, 2025. 

Dressage4Kids reserves the right to limit the number of participants. Registration may be limited.

Registration Form

Fill in the registration form below.  If you do not receive an email confirmation with a message tracking number within a few minutes after hitting the "send" button, it is likely that the transaction did not go through.

Registration deadline: March 28, 2025

One application per person
Are you currently enrolled in the USDF L Education Program?
Are you a USDF L Graduate?
Are you a licensed dressage judge?
Are you planning on applying for USDF Continuing Education Credits for this course?
I have read the Dressage4Kids Photo Usage Policy and the Tufts Notice of Filming and Photography (listed on this website page) and I accept the terms and conditions.
Registration Fees (One registration form per person)
Credit Card Information

Your security code is the 3-digit code at the end of the signature field on your card's back.

Cover the fee associated with this online transaction?
Cover the fee associated with this online transaction?
Your total payment will be
Your credit balance will cover
Your credit card will be charged
Your bank account will be charged

Photo Usage Policy

Dressage4Kids often takes photographs and videos during its events and activities.  Dressage4Kids may use these photographs and videos for general publicity and programming purposes, including to raise funds.  Pictures may appear on the website, on the Dressage4Kids Facebook page, in newsletters, and in other print and digital marketing materials.  In addition, participants’ names may be used to recognize individual achievement in marketing materials.


This Tufts University event is an area where photography, audio, and video recording may occur.

By entering the event premises, you consent to interview(s), photography, audio recording, video recording and its/their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, web casts, promotional purposes, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by Tufts University and its affiliates and representatives. Images, photos and/or videos may be used to promote similar Tufts events in the future, highlight the event and exhibit the capabilities of Tufts. You release Tufts University, its officers and employees, and each and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication and use of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or or sound recordings.

By entering the event premises, you waive all rights you may have to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with any use, exhibition, streaming, web casting, televising, or other publication of these materials, regardless of the purpose or sponsoring of such use, exhibiting, broadcasting, web casting, or other publication irrespective of whether a fee for admission or sponsorship is charged. You also waive any right to inspect or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by Tufts University or the person or entity designated to do so by Tufts University.

You have been fully informed of your consent, waiver of liability, and release before entering the event.

Refund Policy

There will be no refunds for cancellations made after March 21, 2025.  Refunds will not be provided for registrants who do not attend the conference.  In order to receive a full refund, notice of cancellation must be made via e-mail to Mary Livernois at by March 20, 2025.  A cancellation acknowledgement will be sent and fees will be refunded, subject to this Refund Policy.

Dressage4Kids, Inc. reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers and/or schedule as necessary.
