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D4K Focus on the Collective Marks

D4K Unmounted Programs

D4K Focus on the Collective Marks

Dressage4Kids is offering the USDF Focus on the Collective Marks Remote Workshop.  It focuses on what the judges are considering when scoring each of the Collective Marks. This program is approved for L Graduate Continuing Education (Two hours. Passing an online quiz is required). Recording and replaying these sessions is not allowed.

Anyone is welcome to attend the online sessions, including those who are not USDF L Graduates or who are not judges.  In order to obtain 2 hours of USDF L Grad Continuing Education credits, a participant must be:

  1. either a USDF L Graduate or enrolled in the USDF L Education Program, and
  2. complete all two hours of the program, and
  3. successfully pass the online quiz provided by USDF.

Licensed Judges are encouraged to attend; however, these clinics do not meet the USEF requirement for Licensed Judge education.


We are pleased to welcome USEF 'S' Judge Margaret Freeman as the lead presenter for this course.

Part 1 (1 hour): Monday, February 12th at 7:30pm EST via Zoom

Part 2 (1 hour): Monday, February 26th at 7:30pm EST via Zoom

Dressage4Kids, Inc. reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers and/or schedule as necessary.

Registration Fees

We understand that access to education has in some cases become quite expensive.  Therefore, in lieu of registration fees, we invite you to make an optional donation to Dressage4Kids.  A donation of any size is welcome.  In order to receive the Zoom log in information, please be sure to fill out the registration form below (one registration form per person).

Registration Form

Fill in the registration form below.  If you do not receive an email confirmation with a message tracking number within a few minutes after hitting the "send" button, it is likely that the transaction did not go through.

Registration is closed.

Photo Usage Policy

Dressage4Kids often takes photographs and videos during its events and activities.  Dressage4Kids may use these photographs and videos for general publicity and programming purposes, including to raise funds.  Pictures may appear on the website, on the Dressage4Kids Facebook page, in newsletters, and in other print and digital marketing materials.  In addition, participants’ names may be used to recognize individual achievement in marketing materials.
