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Dressage4Kids 25th Anniversary Celebration

Tuesday, February 27th

6:00pm - 9:00pm

Wellington National Golf Club
400 Binks Forest Dr.
Wellington, Florida

Join us as we celebrate 25 years of providing educational and competitive opportunities to youth riders and the adults who support them. 

Casual Attire
Hors d’Oeuvres 
Cash Bar
Dessert & Champagne Toast

To rsvp, fill out the rsvp form below.  If you do not receive an email confirmation with a message tracking number within a few minutes after hitting the "send" button, it is likely that your rsvp did not go through.

RSVP by February 22nd

First Name *
Last Name *
Able to attend in person?
If you wish to make a donation, fill in the donation amount above (numbers only, no symbols such as $). If you prefer not to donate, continue with the form.
Credit Card Information

Your security code is the 3-digit code at the end of the signature field on your card's back.

Cover the fee associated with this online transaction?
Cover the fee associated with this online transaction?
Your total payment will be
Your credit balance will cover
Your credit card will be charged
Your bank account will be charged

To rsvp, fill out the form above.

Photo Usage Policy

Dressage4Kids often takes photographs and videos during its events and activities.  Dressage4Kids may use these photographs and videos for general publicity and programming purposes, including to raise funds.  Pictures may appear on the website, on the Dressage4Kids Facebook page, in newsletters, and in other print and digital marketing materials.  In addition, participants’ names may be used to recognize individual achievement in marketing materials.
