Dressage4Kids™ Horsemastership Clinic at Hilltop Farm in Colora, Maryland
July 7-9, 2025
Dressage4Kids is excited to offer a D4K Horsemastership Clinic July 7-9, 2025 at Hilltop Farm in Colora, Maryland. The current schedule for the clinic is as follows:
- Monday, July 7th: riders and horses arrive in the morning, Opening Remarks at 10:00am, lectures throughout the day, arena familiarization permitted in the afternoon
- Tuesday, July 8th: fitness, lectures, and lessons with Olympian Allison Brock
- Wednesday, July 9th: fitness, lectures, and lessons with Olympian Allison Brock
We are excited to welcome guest instructor Allison Brock.
Clinic fee: $400 per horse/rider combination
Auditors are welcome. Auditors must rsvp in advance by latest July 1st - email Mary at d4k.org@gmail.com. The auditing fees are as follows:
- Dressage4Kids Participating Auditor (open to Dressage4Kids TEAM members only): $100 for the duration (July 7-9) and includes fully participating with the riders in all activities, including lectures and lunches
- General Auditor, ages 25 and under (open to all): free of charge and includes auditing of the lessons and lectures (as space permits) on July 8 and July 9; does not include lunch
- General Auditor, ages 26 and over (open to all): $25 per person per day and includes auditing of the lessons and lectures (as space permits) on July 8 and July 9; does not include lunch
Application Form for Riders
Fill out the application using the fillable form fields below. All form fields are required. Incomplete forms will not be processed.
Preference will be given to riders competing at the FEI youth levels, including FEI Childrens, FEI Pony, FEI Juniors, FEI Young Riders, and FEI U25 Grand Prix.
Application deadline: May 15, 2025
After May 15th a waiting list will continue to be maintained and may be added to.